• ১৮ই জানুয়ারি, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ , ৪ঠা মাঘ, ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ , ১৮ই রজব, ১৪৪৬ হিজরি

Rtn Iqbal is a selfless COVID-19 warrior

প্রকাশিত জুন ১৯, ২০২১
Rtn Iqbal is a selfless COVID-19 warrior

Desk News:

Rtn Iqbal Hossain achieved covid-19 hero warrior award from public image committee of Rotary International Zone 1-B, Region 10 by dint of the support of vulnerable people, commendable and selfless work in covid-19 pandemic and voluntary work.

18 June, Friday, at Hotel Sarina, Dhaka he received this award and certificate of appreciation from Ministry of Liberation war AKM Mozammel Haque, who was the chief guest of this program. At that ritual, special guest was Ministry of commerce Rtn Tipu Munshi, Rotary international President Holger Knack, Rotary international president elect Shekhor Mehta and so on.

Rtn Iqbal hossain always working for society. Days after the starting of the covid-19 when first detect in the world he just started awareness building programs by distributing leaflet, handbill and live programs.

When infection was detected in Bangladesh the country went to lockdown. Rtn Iqbal think about the sufferings of the mass people. One day evening time he was just passing a slum. He just hearing a boy is crying. He tries to understand why he is crying. Later he can understand this boy is crying for food. He has no father. His mother is a house worker. She lost her job because of Covid-19.
Rtn Iqbal was shocked and instant manage food for this family.
He just make a plan for do something for the people and survey which people is more vulnerable or jobless for COVID.
He saw that people who are middle income family they are passing much terrible time. They can’t beg or cannot want help to people for shame. He made a tele Food service. People call this designated numbers for food support.

Rtn Iqbal and his team Didn’t published it and help those people in night time so that People can not see which man taking the facility. It was the initiative to support for middle and low income people. 500 packets were distributed in distressed people rural and city area.

For mass people in village area Rtn Iqbal arrange a free vegetable market name “Manobotar bazar”. One thousand people were benefited from this free vegetable market.
Rtn Iqbal Hossain himself and his organisation “Clean Village Green Village” arrange many programs during covid-19 pandemic and over the year. Mask distribution, Hand sanitizer distribution, PPE distribution, fruit basket distribution amongst the covid-19 affected people and family.
Tree plantation, Hygine and sanitation project, awareness building programs by motivational speakers, renowned doctors, social and voluntary workers from home and abroad. His organisation Clean Village Green Village specially works for the environmental sustainability projects in the rural areas. He is the member of Environmental sustainability rotary action group (ESRAG)

As well as he is a good motivational speaker. He closely work with Rotaplast Mission a project of Rotary International. Rotary international award him as a Paul Harris Fellow (PHF) for his dedication and for his outstanding support.